Fact Checking
Todaysgk.com is committed to publishing accurate information across all of its content. We achieve this through rigorous fact-checking processes. Our team of editors and researchers use multiple reliable sources, verify details to challenge potential biases, and seek out diverse perspectives to offer a well-rounded view. We employ fact-checking tools and partner with reputable organizations to ensure the highest standards of accuracy. We document our process and disclose any limitations of information presented, allowing readers to make informed decisions.
We are committed to providing accurate information in all our content, whether it’s news, documentaries, or entertainment programs. This commitment is crucial to earning and maintaining the trust of our audience. However, “due accuracy” can vary depending on the content type and available information. For news, we employ rigorous fact-checking and rely on credible sources to ensure the highest level of accuracy. For entertainment programs, while factual accuracy is still important, we might also prioritize creative storytelling and diverse perspectives. We’re transparent about any limitations or constraints that might affect accuracy expectations, such as time pressures or artistic expression. Ultimately, we believe access to accurate information empowers our audience and fosters trust in our work.
We provide a fair opportunity for the public to report any inaccuracies or errors in our reportage via ‘Suggest A Correction’ section that appears at the end of every web-story that is published.
Our journalists’ primary responsibility is reporting, writing, and fact-checking stories. Stories are subject to review by one or more editors. Todaysgk.com has a multi-level fact-checking structure for stories that require due diligence. The seniority of editors who review a story prior to publication varies on a range of factors, including complexity, sensitivity, and the pressure of time.
Correction Policies
While Todaysgk.com continually strives for excellence and accuracy, we acknowledge the possibility of occasional errors. We are committed to promptly correcting any errors with transparency and clarity. This includes issuing corrections notices and updating articles. We value our readers’ trust and prioritize transparency when errors occur, minimizing the spread of misinformation. Additionally, we actively work to prevent errors through rigorous fact-checking, verifying sources, and diligent editorial oversight.
If a reader spots an error, he or she should contact the editor-in-chief, Emilee Wentland, immediately by email, phone, mail or in person.
Email – info@todaysgk.com
Subject – Correction Needed
We will investigate the error after receiving it from sender. We will try to fix it and response the sender asap.
Social Media
If the article was posted on Facebook, Twitter or any other online medium controlled by The todaysgk.com, a post will be made linking to the corrected article, noting the correction.
For more queries kindly contact us info@todaysgk.com